Ciao a tutte le mie care amiche,
come promesso ecco la seconda parte del post,
che nn vedevo l'ora di pubblicare,
altamente romantico
altamente romantico
per le amanti di Monet (tipo me..^^') se ne consiglia la visione a piccole dosi...^_-
Monet ha creato ben due giardini uno chiamato "Le clos Normand" che circonda la sua dimora ed è pieno di fiori comuni e rari, l'altro si chiama "Le jardin de l'Eau" poco più distante da casa sua, è d'ispirazione giapponese ha un laghetto con ninfee ed il ponte ricoperto di glicini che in primavera esplode di profumi e colore..
Il maestro ha vissuto 43 intensi anni a Giverny
Il maestro ha vissuto 43 intensi anni a Giverny
I suoi giardini sono degli straordinari quadri viventi dello stile impressionista infatti, sono stati per lui un laboratorio di studio del colore e sono stati ritratti ed impressi nelle sue oltre 200 tele creando il suo inconfondibile stile
credo che questi giardini in qualsiasi altra stagione li si visiti (non solo in primavera) siano un'esperienza indimenticabile!
che meraviglia..
vorrei perdermi per i sentieri di questi bellissimi giardini....
che meraviglia..
vorrei perdermi per i sentieri di questi bellissimi giardini....
Anche solo dalle foto la matita che c'è nei miei occhi già si muove...*___*
Hello to all my dear friends,
As promised here is the second part of the post,
No that I was eager to publish, highly romantic
for lovers of Monet (like me ..) it is recommended viewing for small doses ... ^ -
Monet created two gardens, one called "Le Clos Normand" surrounding his home and is full of common and rare flowers, the other is called "Le jardin de l'Eau" a little further away from his home, is d 'Japanese style, has a pond with water lilies and the bridge covered with wisteria in spring explodes with fragrance and color ...
The teacher has experienced 43 intense years in Giverny
Its gardens were for him a laboratory study of color and have been impressed in his portraits and creating over 200 paintings to his unique style
I think these gardens in any other season you visit them (not only in spring) is an unforgettable experience!
how wonderful ..
I would get lost along the paths of these beautiful gardens ....
Even a pencil from photos that there is already moving in my eyes ... *___*
Hello to all my dear friends,
As promised here is the second part of the post,
No that I was eager to publish, highly romantic
for lovers of Monet (like me ..) it is recommended viewing for small doses ... ^ -
Monet created two gardens, one called "Le Clos Normand" surrounding his home and is full of common and rare flowers, the other is called "Le jardin de l'Eau" a little further away from his home, is d 'Japanese style, has a pond with water lilies and the bridge covered with wisteria in spring explodes with fragrance and color ...
The teacher has experienced 43 intense years in Giverny
Its gardens are extraordinary paintings of the Impressionist style living fact,
I think these gardens in any other season you visit them (not only in spring) is an unforgettable experience!
how wonderful ..
I would get lost along the paths of these beautiful gardens ....
Even a pencil from photos that there is already moving in my eyes ... *___*