Ciao a tutti,
anche se in ritardo
(ho avuto problemi di connessione ad internet purtroppo)
(ho avuto problemi di connessione ad internet purtroppo)
devo un pensiero ad un grande della musica
un saltimbanco della musica e delle parole
un artista che mi ha fatto amare la musica ancor di più
un artista che mi ha fatto amare la musica ancor di più
ieri era il suo compleanno
4 marzo 1943
sono cresciuta con le canzoni immense del mio Lucio Dalla
ne ero innamorata!
ricordo che le "rubavo" dalla tasca dello sportello della macchina di mio padre per sentirle nel mio mangiacassette..
erano capaci di trascinarmi fin dentro la loro profondità
le splendide estati della mia infanzia trascorse alla mia casa al mare
ancora oggi posso riviverle se metto su "Anna e Marco","L'ultima l'una","Piazza grande","Stella di mare","Milano","Cosa sarà","Notte","Ma come fanno i marinai"..
un eccelso vero artista sei stato
che creava in nome dell'arte,
non per soldi, come troppi ora
e la tua arte ti bastava
proprio come chi riempie la propria vita di una grande passione
e non rimane spazio per i vuoti e il superfluo
ciao Lucio, grazie per la tua infinita musica
non ti dimenticherò mai
con le lacrime agli occhi sorrido pensando questo:
ti sei spento solo fisicamente perchè grazie alle tue insuperabili opere
lo so vivrai per sempre
Hello everyone,
Today I had planned for another post ..
but my world stops for today
I thought a great music
yesterday was his birthday
March 4, 1943
I grew up with immense songs by Lucio Dalla
I was in love!
remember that "stole" from the pocket of the door of my father's car to hear them in my cassette player ..
were able to crawl up into their depth
the wonderful summers of my childhood spent at my house by the sea
I can still relive if I put on "Anna and Mark," "The last one is", "town square", "Starfish", "Milan", "What is" ..
a great artist you have been true
that created in the name of art,
not for money, like too many hours
and his art was enough
just as those who fill their lives with a passion
and no room for empty and superfluous
Hello Lucio, thanks for your great music
But you off just physically because thanks to your musical works,
I know you will live forever
Today I had planned for another post ..
but my world stops for today
I thought a great music
yesterday was his birthday
March 4, 1943
I grew up with immense songs by Lucio Dalla
I was in love!
remember that "stole" from the pocket of the door of my father's car to hear them in my cassette player ..
were able to crawl up into their depth
the wonderful summers of my childhood spent at my house by the sea
I can still relive if I put on "Anna and Mark," "The last one is", "town square", "Starfish", "Milan", "What is" ..
a great artist you have been true
that created in the name of art,
not for money, like too many hours
and his art was enough
just as those who fill their lives with a passion
and no room for empty and superfluous
Hello Lucio, thanks for your great music
But you off just physically because thanks to your musical works,
I know you will live forever
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