Quando frequentavo l'Accademia di Belle Arti c'è stato un periodo in cui ho creato davvero tante ghirlande, per lo più primaverili con frutta,fiori api e farfalle, ma quelle invernali sono più deliziose
per i colori ed i materiali usati: rami di vite o rami di pino intrecciati a forma circolare o a cuore
e poi arricchiti di quanto c'è di già pronto offertoci da madre natura e solo un po "modificato" da noi come le rondelle essiccate dell'arancia,anice stellato,bastoncini di cannella,il pungitopo, l'agrifoglio, pigne e poi glitter e stelline dorate adesive, piccoli spartiti musicali, ritagli di scritte in bianco e nero e quanto altro ancora la fantasia a braccetto col buongusto ci suggerisce..ma.
ciò che mi rapisce dinanzi ad una ghirlanda non è di per se il lato estetico così armonico,
bensì il significato che racchiude
infatti le ghirlande nascono nella tradizione germanica, vengono create appunto delle corone fatte di fronde di pino o abete o di alloro, abbellite da 4 nastri rossi,e da quattro candele,nascono come centro tavola,ma si appendono anche al soffitto, le candele hanno una simbologia precisa si accendono in questo modo:la prima sarebbe"la profezia"si accende la prima domenica d'avvento;la seconda "di Betlemme"si accende con la prima,la seconda domenica d'avvento;la terza "dei pastori" si accende la terza domenica di avvento e la quarta"degli angeli"si accende accanto alle altre la quarta domenica d'avvento ossia il Natale.Le luci accese delle candele sono il segno di ospitalità per il pellegrinare di Maria e Giuseppe e solitamente messe nel mezzo di una ghirlanda sul davanzale o sospese alle finestre stanno ad indicare appunto celebrazione,ospitalità e fede. Nella tradizione inglese come anche per la maggior parte degli altri paesi le ghirlande decorate,si appendono dietro le porte ad indicare buon augurio e ospitalità
Then attended the Academy of Fine Arts there was a period in which I made very many garlands, mostly spring with fruit, flowers, bees and butterflies, but winter is delicious
for colors and materials used: vine branches or pine boughs woven circular or heart-
and then enriched with what is already prepared us by Mother Nature and just a little "change" we like the dried slices of orange, star anise, cinnamon sticks, the holly, holly, pine cones and then glitter adhesive and golden bells, small musical scores, clippings written in black and white and how much more imagination in hand with good taste .. but it suggests.
what I kidnapped before a wreath is not as if the aesthetic side as well-balanced,
but the meaning which encloses
Infact, the garlands are born in the Germanic tradition, are created precisely crowns made of pine or fir boughs or bay, decorated with red ribbons 4, and four candles, born as a table centerpiece, but also hanging from the ceiling, the candles have a precise symbols are lit in this way: the first would be the "prophecy" comes on the first Sunday of Advent, the second "Bethlehem" turns on the first, second Sunday of Advent, and the third "shepherds" are turn on the third Sunday of Advent and the fourth "angels" comes on next to the other on the fourth Sunday of Advent namely Natale.Le lights the candles are a sign of hospitality for the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph, and usually placed in the middle a wreath hanging on the window sill or in the windows are to indicate precisely celebration, hospitality and faith. In the English tradition as well as for most other countries, decorated wreaths, hung behind the door to indicate good luck and hospitality
for colors and materials used: vine branches or pine boughs woven circular or heart-
and then enriched with what is already prepared us by Mother Nature and just a little "change" we like the dried slices of orange, star anise, cinnamon sticks, the holly, holly, pine cones and then glitter adhesive and golden bells, small musical scores, clippings written in black and white and how much more imagination in hand with good taste .. but it suggests.
what I kidnapped before a wreath is not as if the aesthetic side as well-balanced,
but the meaning which encloses
Infact, the garlands are born in the Germanic tradition, are created precisely crowns made of pine or fir boughs or bay, decorated with red ribbons 4, and four candles, born as a table centerpiece, but also hanging from the ceiling, the candles have a precise symbols are lit in this way: the first would be the "prophecy" comes on the first Sunday of Advent, the second "Bethlehem" turns on the first, second Sunday of Advent, and the third "shepherds" are turn on the third Sunday of Advent and the fourth "angels" comes on next to the other on the fourth Sunday of Advent namely Natale.Le lights the candles are a sign of hospitality for the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph, and usually placed in the middle a wreath hanging on the window sill or in the windows are to indicate precisely celebration, hospitality and faith. In the English tradition as well as for most other countries, decorated wreaths, hung behind the door to indicate good luck and hospitality
have a sweet day
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